I always find early Mickey art to be quite appealing somehow, especially when it was done for promotion or merchandise. Here's a great example of a studio card which was probably sent out to fans. This one's up for offer on e-bay at the moment.
Even when I am working away from home, as I am at the moment, I browse through e-bay every morning and usually stumble across some interesting items. Walt Disney related photos and documents are always high on my list, this morning I found this great negative of Walt and his wife Lillian at the races some time in the 30s. For those interested it is e-bay item # 160208994871
Over the years I've grown to be quite fond of illustration art especially by early 20th century illustrators who had such an influence on Disney, for those interested check out issue#21 of ILLUSTRATION MAGAZINE for an in depth look at the life and career of Gustav Tenggren.
I am very new to this whole blogging thing, I've asked myself what should I focus on? should it be animation only? or film in general? As an artist in the film and animation industry I figure that maybe my blog will cover both.
For me this will be a chance to share items from my collection of Disney art, photos and comics, not to mention share my views on working within the industry, but most of all just have fun.